Motors are an inevitable part of the modern lifestyle. More so, it covers over 70% of the energy consumption. With growing concerns over environmental degradation, having a sustainable electric model is the path to the future. Why not opt for a smart motor drive that works efficiently even while consuming a lot lesser energy?
Rare earths have been the core elements that drive high energy efficiency in motors. These are expensive, scarce, and are extremely toxic to the environment. Our environment-first innovations have helped us create a digital system that improves energy efficiency of the motor with zero dependency on rare earth.
97% of world’s magnet production is done at china, which is the major raw material for permanent magnet motors. There is a substantial potential that Chinese magnet supplies may be cut off, causing a severe disruption in the permanent magnet motor manufacturing industry. MORGEN Drive being rare earth magnet free motors all the subcomponents are 100% made in India products.
Our mission is to make technology useful for the end users in the industrial realms. We have an expert team which is passionate about designing and building the most sustainable electric motors on the planet. Our aim is to make electricity sustainable at industries that run the world.
Sustainability is at the core of the company’s vision. We believe it is the key to addressing climate change. Our vision is to make our innovations an integral part of the decarbonization process of manufacturing plants to make the industrial process sustainable to use andrecycle..
Morgen Drive is an innovative high efficient drive system suitable for traction variable speed applications. This new drive system has the advantages of AC and DC drives and overcome their disadvantages namely